
From funded umpiring courses to dedicated support thanks to our Level 3 Umpire Development Officers, Wapping provides everything umpires of all levels require to be their best.

Why umpire at Wapping?

  • Excellent rates of pay (£15-£40 per umpire, per game)

  • Fully funded Level 1 England Hockey umpire courses

  • Dedicated support from our three Umpire Development Officers

  • On-pitch radios for reassurance and guidance

  • 50% discount on your end of season dinner and dance ticket for 10+ games umpired

  • Bi-annual ‘Introduction to umpiring’ sessions

  • Mentoring and support from our friendly umpiring team

  • Enjoy match teas with the team and be a valued member of the club 

OUR Umpire Development Officers




Introduction to umpiring

Wapping run introduction to umpiring sessions for adults and youth members alike. If you’re interested in joining one please reach out to our Umpire Liaison Officer, Jane, for more info.

L’Ump month

Started back in 2017, when four neutral pool umpires in the then M7 put their altruistic tendencies to good use. The simple but effective concept of umpiring in pink shirts and donating their expenses to a Breast Cancer charity worked perfectly, and the idea caught on!

6 years and 2 logos later (including a poetry battle with an Aussie talk show), and with tens of thousands raised across the UK, L’Ump Month returns this October - bigger, badder and pinker than ever!

What do you need to do? Easy!


  • grab a pink shirt

  • umpire in it (with your colleague)

  • pop your match fee/expense in the kitty

“But I don’t umpire”

  • well why not start? Get yourself on an online course and give back to the sport!


Are you an umpire looking for a new club? Or a player interested in umpiring?

Reach out to our excellent Umpire Liaison Officer, Jane, to chat!